When you have a baby, every day brings new experiences. The first skill that new parents learn is how to handle diapers, as this will form a part of their daily routine. You can make this tiresome and messy task quite enjoyable by sharing some funny diaper messages with your partner or family and friends.

Sounds fun, right? While diaper changes may not be thrilling, they are an excellent opportunity to bond with your cute little one. In this post, we've compiled a collection of amusing diaper messages that you may use during a baby shower activity.

101 Funny Diaper Messages and Sayings

Here are some cute and funny messages you can scribble on a diaper. The next person who changes the diaper will have a smile reading them. And would not get irritated.

  1. Oops, I did it again!
  2. Warning: Toxic
  3. Cute and stinky!
  4. Open at your own risk.
  5. What goes in must come out.
  6. This one is for Daddy!
  7. Houston, we have a problem!
  8. Nose plugs not included.
  9. To pee or not to pee?
  10. I think I just set a world record.
  11. One down, hundreds to go!
  12. This, too, shall pass.
  13. I drink until I pass out.
  14. Real babies do it in their diapers.
  15. I don't smell anything!
  16. By reading this message, you agree to change one diaper.
  17. Why don't you social distance yourself and throw away the diaper?
  18. That's how you bring about a change in the world, one diaper at a time!
  19. If you think this diaper makes my butt look big, it is time to change it.
  20. It looks like you might need a little more sleep, just saying!
  21. How long can you hold your breath?
  22. You haven't seen anything smelly yet. Wait till I start eating solids. Hahaha!
  23. Hold on a second, didn't we just do this five minutes ago?
  24. Someday, I will sleep quietly through the night, and so will you!
  25. Are we keeping count? Cause only 4,000 more until I am potty trained.
  26. Don't look at me; this one is coming from daddy.
  27. Open this and find out the fastest way to clear a room.
  28. Roses are red, violets are blue. Will this have pee or poo?
  29. Radioactive waste, proceed to open and dispose of with extreme caution.
  30. I made an oopsie in the diaper.
  31. Keep calm, hold your breath, and change this diaper.
  32. You are doing great, it will be over soon. Hang in there!
  33. Dad's great, mom's amazing, but whoever changes this is the best.
  34. My motto in life – as you will soon realize: go big or go home.
  35. Everything else can wait as this is a top priority!
  36. This is not for the faint of heart. Open at your own risk!
  37. Quit staring. This diaper isn't gonna change itself.
  38. What goes in through the front comes out through the back.
  39. I've given you an extra load today cause I love you so much.
  40. Don't give me that look; you were here once.
  41. Get a new one; there's a lot more where that came from.
  42. You can take a long shower after this, I promise!
  43. Warning: contents under pressure. This side towards the bowl.
  44. Maybe you should wear a gas mask to diffuse this one.
  45. If you can read, then you put the diaper backward, genius!… Just kidding!
  46. Sleep is for the weak. The strong changes diapers at 4 am.
  47. Do you smell something? I made you a big present!
  48. Bomb's away in no time at all!
  49. Poops, I did it again. I made you believe that this could be pee.
  50. Gas mask, check. Hazmat suit, check. GO to diffuse.
  51. Beware Sprinkler!
  52. Do not test with your finger.
  53. Don't open until Christmas.
  54. Fart Man/Fart Woman!
  55. Forget the wipes. Go turn on the shower.
  56. HINT: It's Poop!
  57. iPooped
  58. Just think… one day it will be my turn to change your diaper.
  59. Phew! That was a marathon poop session, can't wait for the next!
  60. Raising kids is part joy and part Guerrilla warfare. All parents are veterans.
  61. Dare to open!
  62. Maybe you should wear a gas mask to diffuse this one.
  63. Hello there, I'm trapped inside. Care to set me free?
  64. Wake up. It's time to change my diaper!
  65. Are you looking at my butt?
  66. Ah! Excuse me again!
  67. That's a special gift for you!
  68. Great sleep! How 'bout you?
  69. Hazardous Waste. Mask Required.
  70. I think I went #3
  71. Is it supposed to be that color?
  72. Mud Butt!
  73. Overload In Progress!
  74. Scratch and Sniff.
  75. So many diapers, so little time.
  76. Smile! It's 2 am!
  77. Surprise inside!
  78. You're #1, but this is a #2!
  79. Does it smell in here, or is it just me?
  80. Hurry, please! It's cold!
  81. Are you sure it's your turn?
  82. What exactly are you feeding me?
  83. Wee wee wee, all the way home!
  84. Forget potty training! This is life!
  85. Best of luck. You need it!
  86. Enter at your own risk
  87. Made in (country).
  88. How about singing a song or something since I just have to lay here?
  89. It's a dirty job, isn't it?
  90. Are you sure you folded that right?
  91. You're not looking forward to this, are you?
  92. I love you too!
  93. I'm a changed man/woman!
  94. I was in some real soup.
  95. There's been a crime, call the poo-lice.
  96. So, how was your day?
  97. I didn't poo it!
  98. It seems like the dog did it.
  99. Is it chocolate or peanut butter?
  100. Made with love, for you!
  101. Downloading poop, please wait!

Changing your baby's diaper is a wonderful way to spend time with your little one. Even if the task does not seem ideal, you can make it enjoyable for yourself and your partner. One way is by writing a cute or funny diaper message or quote for the next person who will change the baby's diaper. If you and your partner take turns changing diapers, this small but cute gesture may make the task less tiresome and help you pass your baby's diaper phase in no time.

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Shivank is an experienced professional with a passion for writing, editing, and research. With a bachelor's degree in Mass Communication, he previously worked as a production editor. Shivank transitioned into a writer/editor, contributing to various publications as a freelancer. He writes literature, including quotes, poems and wishes, for MomJunction. He has a special interest in music and relationships. During his... more